

About Sharne

I grew up in the Adelaide Hills on a hobby farm and was blessed to enjoy a huge range of experiences as a child, including milking cows, feeding orphaned lambs and calves, riding my neighbour’s horse, cycling like a daredevil up and down the hills, and just simply walking barefoot through the paddocks (as long as the bull wasn’t too close by). As a family we went camping, holidayed at the beach, played games, visited grandparents and family friends, and all helped on the farm.

Sharne Kilsby counsellor as young girl

I enjoyed the primary school years in the small country town we lived in, however life changed quite dramatically for me the same week I began high school. Chronic family illness happened suddenly and created many pressures and relationship fractures. I found high school in the city a very confusing place both socially and academically and experienced bullying and isolation.

In senior high school, I considered becoming a counsellor but was encouraged not to go down that path by family members. I wobbled my way through subject choices and exams, trying to get into university because I was told, and believed, that was the key to success. It was a very daunting time and I went down many roads that led to a lot of learning opportunities. Eventually, I found my feet and worked as a Medical Receptionist for a group of four doctors in Mount Barker.


In my mid-20s, my then-fiancé and I set out to travel Australia and went straight up the middle, settling in Darwin for 7 years, marrying and producing two fine sons. We joined a church and had wonderful times with family and friends there, despite my suffering with Post Natal Depression for most of that time. We eventually moved back to the Adelaide Hills and I homeschooled the two older boys for most of their primary years. I became very interested in natural treatments through integrative health doctors, and we were able to have another lovely son after a number of years recovering from PND.

Sadly, my marriage split and I found myself grappling to find my identity as a single mother who no longer homeschooled. That voice that had popped up occasionally throughout the years spoke again to me about studying counselling, and I knew it was the right time. I embarked on that journey in 2017 and have not looked back. I knew this was part of my calling since I was about 16 years old, and I now had the time and space to go for it!

I have since completed my Graduate Diploma in Counselling and Integrated Psychotherapy (Spiritual). I am a Level 2 member of the Australian Counselling Association (ACA) as well as being a member of their School of Supervisors.

The next logical step for me was to create a private counselling practice so I can work alongside my family responsibilities. My desire is to serve people locally and across Australia to find their peace within.

Shiloh Within Counselling has been birthed out of my passions in my counselling work, which are very much based on my life experience. I.e. youth who are struggling with school and social pressures; those who are trying to navigate difficulties with parenting or connecting with their spouse, and those who have come out of a difficult relationship and want help to find ways to manage and rediscover themselves.


Shiloh means “peace”

A dear friend introduced me to the word ‘Shiloh’ and explained to me that it is a Hebrew word meaning peace. It resonated with me immediately and I chose it as the name of my practice.


Butterfly represents transformation

 The butterfly in my logo is a symbol of transformation and freedom, which I believe counselling can be part of facilitating in people’s lives.

Would you like to chat with Sharne about your counselling needs?

Sharne Kilsby counsellor Shiloh Within Counselling